Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Just attend the "official" ceremony at UPM last week.GRADUATION DAY.With that,"student" I am no more (really,PERIOD).

Meet up with old friends,seeing the changes in them within 3-4 months.Some of them change drastically while others stay the same;Physically and mentally. A few month feels like a few years...

Perhaps in that period of time,changes happened within their life whether for good or worse and those anomalies stayed with them.Not exceptional for me either.Hmnnn guess that what they called GROWTH.

Even so,small parts in me wanted to stay the same;make it place,time,emotion yet the same part want it to change.

Can we really know choices that we make now we won't regret it later?

I've got my answer this morning from an unusual source.Hope you found yours.

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