Saturday, August 9, 2008

blushing dinner

My god!!! That was REALLY awkward.I can't believe they keep teasing me especially THAT GUY.Well you see us guys went to dinner with 2 girls from my coursemate and it turns out one of them is HeR.Thanks to them,the'syndrome' kick in at that time(refer post 'anxiety complex').I thought it was getting better now.My hands couldn't stop shaking while eating my dinner and my face was RED .To make things worse I was surrounded by them and I couldn't make a conversation with them.She also didn't talk much.It clears to me that I REALLY lacks confident when TAlKinG DIreCtLy(except for SMS hehe) to the opposite gender.Eventually it went well and the night was over.But wow SERiOUSlY that was kind of embarassing you know.


encik BANGLA said...

rilek la beb!!!
kitorang men2 je la!!

dunkers said...

men2 je laa =}
jgn ambik ati pikioq..